Mission data

This page shows the last value of all the housekeeping parameters of the spacecraft.
The data was collected by the ground stations of the SwissCube network and by the beacon messages and downlink frames sent by the Amateur Radio community.

Electrical Power Subsystem

EPS min/max real-time housekeeping

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Battery 1 temperature minimum -1 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 1 temperature maximum 15 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 2 temperature minimum -1 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 2 temperature maximum 15 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
External temperature minimum -27 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
External temperature maximum 28 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Frame temperature minimum -25 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Frame temperature maximum 20 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Microcontroller temperature minimum -19 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Microcontroller temperature maximum 13 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Board temperature minimum -17 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Board temperature maximum 17 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Motherboard temperature minimum -22 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Motherboard temperature maximum 23 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face -X temperature minimum -28 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face -X temperature maximum 36 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face +X temperature minimum -27 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face +X temperature maximum 26 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face -Y temperature minimum -34 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face -Y temperature maximum 43 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face +Y temperature minimum -24 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face +Y temperature maximum 21 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face -Z temperature minimum -26 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face -Z temperature maximum 30 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face +Z temperature minimum -28 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Face +Z temperature maximum 29 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell -X current minimum 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell -X current maximum 414 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell +X current minimum 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell +X current maximum 473 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell -Y current minimum 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell -Y current maximum 438 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell +Y current minimum 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell +Y current maximum 395 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell -Z current minimum 3.91 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell -Z current maximum 469 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell +Z current minimum 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Solar cell +Z current maximum 449 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 1 voltage minimum 3.73 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 1 voltage maximum 4.12 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 2 voltage minimum 3.83 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Battery 2 voltage maximum 4.18 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Digital power bus voltage minimum 3.28 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29
Digital power bus voltage maximum 3.38 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:29

EPS complete real-time housekeeping

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
COM last report time 54585864 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
ADCS last report time 54585860 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
CDMS last report time 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Payload last report time 13148380 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Battery 1 voltage 3.85 V WarningLow 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Battery 1 redundancy voltage 3.85 V WarningLow 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Battery 2 voltage 3.95 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Battery 2 redundancy voltage 3.95 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Battery 1 temperature 8 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Battery 2 temperature 8 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Digital power bus voltage 3.28 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Analog power bus voltage 3.26 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
External temperature 14 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Frame temperature 20 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Microcontroller temperature 10 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Board temperature 14 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Motherboard temperature 16 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Solar cell -X current 207 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Solar cell +X current 105 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Solar cell -Y current 27.4 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Solar cell +Y current 234 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Solar cell -Z current 301 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Solar cell +Z current 31.3 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Face -X temperature 9 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Face +X temperature 17 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Face -Y temperature 5 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Face +Y temperature 18 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Face -Z temperature 25 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Face +Z temperature 12 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Payload enable/disable Enabled Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
ADCS enable/disable Enabled Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
ADS 1/2 status Off Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Payload status Off Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
ADCS status On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
CDMS status Off Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Beacon status On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
COM status On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Payload error flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
ADCS error flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
CDMS error flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
COM error flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
EPS error flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Spacecraft mode Safe Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Error code ERR_SUCCESS Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Software watchdog timeout 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02

Communication Subsystem

COM real-time housekeeping

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Microcontroller temperature 29 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Board temperature 44 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Beacon board temperature 22 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Maximum length of telemetry frames I-Field 256 bytes Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Number of flags between two frames transmission 8 flags Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Timeout of virtual channel 1 (real-time acknowledgements) 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Timeout of virtual channel 2 (archived acknowledgements) 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Timeout of virtual channel 4 (payload data) 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Timeout of virtual channel 6 (archived housekeeping) 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
Timeout of virtual channel 7 (real-time housekeeping) 0 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
General timeout of reception 15 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
General timeout of transmission 2 s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
TX DAC low value 1.53 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02
TX DAC high value 2.2 V Nominal 29/06/2024 09:10:02

Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem

ADCS real-time housekeeping

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Sun Sensor Face X-, Angle A1 Measurement 1352 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X-, Reference R1 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X-, Angle A2 Measurement 1247 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X-, Reference R2 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X+, Angle A1 Measurement 1246 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X+, Reference R1 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X+, Angle A2 Measurement 1246 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face X+, Reference R2 Measurement 1.22 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y-, Angle A1 Measurement 1247 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y-, Reference R1 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y-, Angle A2 Measurement 1248 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y-, Reference R2 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y+, Angle A1 Measurement 1292 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y+, Reference R1 Measurement 52.5 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y+, Angle A2 Measurement 1289 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Y+, Reference R2 Measurement 54.3 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z-, Angle A1 Measurement 1246 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z-, Reference R1 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z-, Angle A2 Measurement 1194 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z-, Reference R2 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z+, Angle A1 Measurement 1246 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z+, Reference R1 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z+, Angle A2 Measurement 1246 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Face Z+, Reference R2 Measurement 1.83 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope X On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope Y On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope Z On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor X- On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor X+ On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Y- On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Y+ On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Z- On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Sun Sensor Z+ On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer X Current Sense Postive Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Y Current Sense Postive Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Z Current Sense Postive Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer X On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Y On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Z On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer X Measurement -14.8 uT Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer Y Measurement -24.4 uT Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer Z Measurement 36.7 uT Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope X Measurement -78 mrad/s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope Y Measurement -53 mrad/s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope Z Measurement -63 mrad/s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Bdot Gain 6.7E-07 Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Bdot Lambda 0.3 Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Bdot Rotation Speed of Command 0 rad/s Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Regulator X Offset 0 uA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Regulator Y Offset 0 uA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Regulator Z Offset 0 uA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope X Temperature Measurement 15 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope Y Temperature Measurement 10 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope Z Temperature Measurement 16 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer Temperature Measurement 16 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
MSP Temperature Measurement 15 °C Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer X Current Measurement 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Y Current Measurement 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Z Current Measurement 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer X Current Command 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Y Current Command 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetotorquer Z Current Command 0 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
MSP ADCS Mode On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer ADC Error Flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope ADC Error Flag Ok Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer X On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer Y On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer Z On/Off Flag On Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Bdot Maximum Output Current 18 mA Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
MSP Measurement Counter 201 Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer ADC GND Voltage Measurement 0 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Magnetometer ADC Vcc Voltage Measurement 2907 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope ADC Gnd Voltage Measurement 0 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
Gyroscope ADC Vcc Voltage Measurement 4963 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
MSP (Vcc-Vss)/2 Voltage Measurement 1602 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
MSP Vref+ Voltage Measurement 2481 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41
MSP Vref- Voltage Measurement 0 mV Nominal 29/06/2024 09:06:41

Payload Subsystem

PL real-time housekeeping

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Detector temperature 23 °C Nominal 17/02/2023 08:13:02
Microcontroller temperature 26 °C Nominal 17/02/2023 08:13:02
Board temperature 25 °C Nominal 17/02/2023 08:13:02
Current mode of the camera Off Nominal 17/02/2023 08:13:02
Read/write error of internal registers of the detector Error Danger 17/02/2023 08:13:02
Image present in SRAM and ready to be transmitted No Nominal 17/02/2023 08:13:02
Current program location being executed 0 Nominal 17/02/2023 08:13:02

Beacon Subsystem

Software Beacon Message Part 1

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Payload error flag Ok Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
ADCS error flag Ok Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
CDMS error flag Ok Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
COM error flag Ok Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
EPS error flag Ok Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
ADS 1/2 status Off Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
Payload status On Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
ADCS status On Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
CDMS status Off Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
Beacon status On Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42
COM status On Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:42

Software Beacon Message Part 2

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Battery 1 voltage 3.85 V WarningLow 30/09/2019 09:04:59
Battery 2 voltage 4.02 V Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:59

Software Beacon Message Part 3

Name Value Check Last update (UTC)
Solar cell -X current [250;375[ mA Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49
Solar cell +X current [0;125[ mA Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49
Solar cell -Y current [0;125[ mA Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49
Solar cell +Y current [250;375[ mA Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49
Solar cell -Z current [0;125[ mA Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49
Solar cell +Z current [125;250[ mA Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49
Battery 1 temperature 20 °C Nominal 30/09/2019 09:04:49