Current Position
Timestamp: 09/09/2024 15:36:16 UTC
Altitude: 699.76 km
Latitude: 17° 22' 4'' S
Longitude: 81° 7' 43'' O
Two-Line Elements
The TLE are used by software like Ham Radio Deluxe or Orbitron to compute the position of the satellite at a given time. The latest known TLE from NORAD are:
SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 23284.59231584 .00002639 00000+0 58383-3 0 9992 2 35932 98.5015 157.6258 0007945 17.1388 343.0076 14.58063317746175
Last update: 11 October 2023 14:12:55 UTC (available as a file here)